If you want to get free Flixbus 15% discount codes follow these steps:
For Croatia and BiH you can get 20'% off.
For all international routes 15% off.
To get the codes do the following:
1. You have to register on this Croatian portal, don't worry, it's free - register HERE
2. You have to download FlixBus application for mobile phone where you then have to make the purchase
3. Then click HERE for 15 % for international ways - put your email and OR 20% for Croatian lines
4. This page will open :
5. Enter your mail with which you have registered before and put in second line this codes: for 15% international routs - xica15
for 20% Croatia and Bosnia - xica20
6. The discount codes then arrives to your email a few seconds later which you then use at your mobile application on cell phone to buy a ticket!!!! Enjoy!!!!
Click HERE to find cheapest ticket!
Another cheap airline to consider for your travels is Here
Use this link to sign up and get 20 $ for every accommodation and friend you refer, click HERE.
Booking - Here you can book accommodation with 10% discount